Splenda Begone Continues

The continuing saga of the Splenda purge… Lots of research later, some alternative have been uncovered. The fun part has been finding alternatives to some of the foods that we have grown to love that contain sucralose. It has been easier than expected though. With a trip to Giant, which is one grocery store that is really doing well with the organic and natural foods, all but just a couple of our old sucralose laden foods have found replacements. The wonderful part is that in addition to finding foods to replace those we needed to, we were also able to convert many of the foods that we eat with alternatives that are Organic. It is amazing when you go from shopping at Wal-Mart to Giant what a difference it makes. The differences however I will cover in another post though and once I write it, I will include a direct link from here. I am just so happy to find so many wonderful food options. Now, we need to make the decision to throw out the last few sucralose items or consume them until they are gone. And, those last few items need to find alternatives which I hope to find soon. We will see…