Know the Cause

This afternoon I talked on the phone with one of my aunts from PA. We don’t talk very often, but when we do, we cover lots of topics including herbs, medicines, and natural remedies. My aunt was so happy to talk with me since she is not able to talk with many people about these types of things.

One of the things we talked about is a TV program that she had seen recently. She is without a computer and wanted me to look something up on the internet for her regarding the show. I did some research but wasn’t able to find exactly what she was looking for while we were on the phone, but I did find lots of information that I thought I would share it since it is quite interesting.

There is a theory out there that fungus causes cancer. A man named Doug Kaufmann has done extensive research on the effects of fungus on the human system and has written 8 books about the subject. He is in the process of writing and revising more books and has a website: Know the Cause. He has created an Anti-fungal diet which is what my aunt is trying to see if I can find Phase I of without having to buy the book. She wants to see what the “diet” is all about before getting the book. I am going to do some more research for her so I will be adding more as I find it.